I'm a mid-twenties, recent Washington DC transplant who has struggled for a LONG time with WHY I could never find clothes that fit me! It seemed like I was being sized right out of stores. Then, I started reading petite fashion blogs and had epiphany: A TAILOR! Now, I still don't think it's necessarily FAIR that I have to get my clothes tailored in order for them to even FIT, but now I have a better idea of how to dress like a young professional instead of having to look like a little girl playing dress up in mommy's clothes.
I honestly didn't think I was going to blog as regularly as I do, but I *like* to see pictures of my outfits and have a record of them. It helps me figure out what works and what doesn't much better than looking in a mirror. And I just made the decision to share it people. I also find that I'm one of FEW African American petite bloggers, which I think is kind of cool!
I don't think I'm a fashion forward person and I don't shop for clothes every week, but I do appreciate you stopping by! Feel free to drop me a line in the comments and let me know you were here.