Sunday, June 19, 2011

wearing now: sheath dress

I had the pleasure of watching a court proceeding take place (the judge was like a real-life Judge Judy! I love her!).  I have watched enough Judge Judy to know that you need to look as if you are dressed for court when you are before I judge, and I don't get to dress up very much in my professional life, so this is what I wore!

dress: express shoes: nine west pearls: gift from friends

I think I could stand to get the hips on the dress altered a tiny bit, and may explore the option after I move, but I think it fits well off the rack.  It's a miracle!  I purchased this back before Express went off the deep end with their vanity sizing.  Ahhhh.  Those were the days.

Here's a shot of the back.  The split can be a tiny bit provocative, but it does make it easier to walk.
Check out the exposed zipper in the back *love.*  It does present a problem because it is gold and I tend to wear more silver jewelry, but paired with peals, it doesn't pose a problem!  I threw a cardigan in my purse just in case it was a little chilly in the building (and it was!).

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